Geographical analysis

Department of Geography & GIS


Geographical analysis

Year: 2013, Volume: 2, Issue: 2, Pages: 21-26

Original Article



Abstract Geographers visualize the concept of one world one man and they alone can present true history of any region at any time .With this spirit in mind, an attempt is made here to re-touch and to rewrite the heritage history of Dharwad in the back drop of geographical aspects in general and the heritage monuments of Dharwad city in particular. Through explorations and archaeological findings, we have come to know many heritage sites, historical monuments, both of ancient and modern times. These heritage monuments span a long period in the history from 8th century to 19* century A.D. "Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder1', said John Keats. The history of Dharwad can be explained as a place of rest after a long sojourn through the saga of entire Karnataka. For centuries Dharwad acted as a gateway between Malenadu (western mountains) and Bayalu seeme [plains] and it became a resting place for the travellers. Another theory is, when this region was under the Vijayanagar Rule, one “ Dharwad "[1403 A.D.] was in-charge and Dharwad got its name from him. There are some inscriptions that refer to Dharwad as Kampanasthana. With the archaeological surveys made by the archaeologists, the existence of Dharwad is traced back to 12th century and it is now at least 900 years old.The Dharwad city is located at the intersection of 14°17' and 15° 50" north latitude and 74° 48' and 76° east longitude, and presently spread over an area of 4265 km2. the present population of the city is 218961 according to 2001 census. The present study is based on empirical observations through frequent visit to the fort. Hence the study is qualitative in nature.

Key words: Environ, Geographical Analysis


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