Department of Geography & GIS
Geographical analysis
Year: 2016, Volume: 5, Issue: 1, Pages: 1-10
Original Article
Adavitot S.C.*, Arabale V.B.**
* & **Department of Geography, C. B. Khedagi‟s B. Science, R. V. Commerce, R.J. Arts College,
Abstract Droughts are the natural disaster caused by lack of water in the region. It can be result of less rainfall, which happens mainly due to large scale of deforestation excessive use of water resources like well and tube well etc. lead to water shortage. Drought affected district in the state of Maharashtra set annual rainfall in the range between 600 to 700 mm through SW monsoon. Once in five years deficit rainfall is reported. Akkalkot taluka is one of the drought prone taluka in the Solapur district. It had mainly rainfall less than half of the normal. Tourism is an increasingly wide spread and complex activity. It is a multidimensional industry generating various types of impacts. Akkalkot taluka has number of tourist destination such as Akkalkot, Gaudgaon, Bruhanpur, & Haidra etc. During the XII five year plan Ministry of tourism planning commission has set target by adapting pro-poor tourism approach which contributes significantly to poverty reduction. In drought prone region sever poverty is always hampering the life of the people. The present study examines the impact of tourism on development of tourist destination in such region. Present study is based on secondary and primary data and this data is analyzed with help of statistical and cartographic technique. The study reveals that Akkalkot, Gaudgaon, Bruhanpur, & Haidra etc. and adjoining tourist destinations are attracting lakhs of tourist and it has generated 60 percent employment opportunity directly and indirectly to the population of drought prone region. Keywords: - Drought Prone, Employment, Economic Development.
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