Geographical analysis

Department of Geography & GIS


Geographical analysis

Year: 2024, Volume: 13, Issue: 2, Pages: 27-33

Original Article

Developing Web Based Tourism Information System Using GIS for Banswara District, Rajasthan, India

Received Date:06 August 2024, Accepted Date:28 December 2024


Information regarding tourist sites plays a vital role in attracting tourism. Tourists derive information regarding the site from traditional pamphlets circulated by travel agencies and tourism departments. But as the digital paperless economy is way ahead, Webmaps can help local and foreign tourists get information regarding tourist sites on their gadgets. WebGIS integrates spatial and non-spatial data, helping to overcome the limitations of several websites that give only factual information on tourist sites. Information regarding tourist sites in the Banswara district of Rajasthan State (India) is not properly available. This study used QGIS to create a webmap showing important tourist sites in Banswara district. Field visits were carried out to collect the latitude and longitude of sites. These locations were exported as points, and attribute data was attached in QGIS. The final output is derived using the qgis2web plugin. Plugins like HCMGIS and ORS were used to add base layers and find the shortest routes. The webmap is published using the WordPress system as a webpage to provide site-specific information to tourists, like its location, importance, and description. A usability examination showed the webmap's strengths and weaknesses. Users found the content to be precise and the overall design to be creative and interactive. With recommendations to add real-time information, there is possibility to make the webmap better in the future.

Keywords: Webmap, Tourism, Open source, Google Earth, KML


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Published By Bangalore University, Bengaluru, Karnataka


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