Geographical analysis

Department of Geography & GIS


Geographical analysis

Year: 2022, Volume: 11, Issue: 2, Pages: 16-29

Original Article

Hydrological Inferences from Watershed Analysis for Sustainable Water Management Using Geoinformatics Approach

Received Date:02 April 2022, Accepted Date:22 December 2022


The rapid growth of urbanization, industrialization, an exponential increase in population and change of climate along with uneven distribution of rainfall make proper water management and planning of storage is very challenging. Satellite-based geoinformatics technology has supported to be an efficient tool in the analysis of drainage networks, surface morphological features, and interrelation with groundwater management at the watershed level. Geoinformatics approach such as remote sensing and Geographic information system has used for extraction of watershed analysis using Cartosat Digital Elevation Model (DEM) satellite images for assessment of drainage and extraction of their relative parameters For the Darna watershed in Nashik district, Maharashtra. In the study Hydrological parameters drainage analysis, topographical parameters, and land-use patterns has evaluated and interpreted for sustainable watershed management. The results reveals that Cartosat Data Dem based hydrological evaluation of watershed-scale is applied and accurate compared to available various technique.

Keywords: CARTOSAT-DEM, Geoinformatics, LISS­IV, Darna Basin, Watershed


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Published By Bangalore University, Bengaluru, Karnataka


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