Geographical analysis

Department of Geography & GIS


Geographical analysis

Year: 2023, Volume: 12, Issue: 1, Pages: 1-12

Original Article

Tracing and Analysis of Urban Footprint and its Future Implications in an Emerging Metropolis of Mysuru, India, Using Geoinformatics Techniques

Received Date:12 February 2023, Accepted Date:15 May 2023


Rapid urbanization is a global phenomenon that is exerting a substantial influence on the land use and land cover. In India, urbanization is occurring at an unparalleled rate, with the urban population expected to double by 2050. Small and mid-sized cities in the developing world are witnessing a substantial increase in urban expansion, indicating a significant upward trend. This rapid growth presents numerous challenges and opportunities, putting a strain on natural resources and leading to environmental degradation. Regrettably, small and mid-sized cities like Mysuru have been overlooked and excluded from policy negotiations in India, despite presenting a crucial opportunity for targeted action and intervention. In the current study, the dynamics of urban expansion in the mid-sized city of Mysuru, located in southern India. The research utilizes earth observation and geoinformatics techniques to assess land use and land cover changes in the rapidly urbanizing areas surrounding Mysuru for the years 1995, 2001, 2007, 2014, and 2022. The study area has witnessed dynamic changes in land use and land cover triggered by rapid urban growth accounting for 235 per cent during the last 27 years. The open/fallow and vegetation land was converted to meet the growing demand for built-up areas in Mysuru, challenging sustainable development. The study's findings offer valuable perspectives on the scope and characteristics of urbanization, along with the related alterations in land use and land cover, within Mysuru and its environs. The findings can inform decision-making processes for urban planning, resource management, and environmental conservation. The study contributes to filling the gap in research on emergent small and mid-sized cities, particularly in southern part of India, and emphasizes the importance of sustainable planning for the future development of these cities.

Keywords: LULC, Urban Growth, Mid­Sized City, Remote Sensing, GIS


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Published By Bangalore University, Bengaluru, Karnataka


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