Geographical analysis

Department of Geography & GIS


Geographical analysis

Year: 2020, Volume: 9, Issue: 2, Pages: 51-55

Original Article


Received Date:12 June 2020, Accepted Date:07 November 2020


Soil is the important element for the crops or plants. Crop yield is depends on soil quality and climatic condition of the region or area. Quality of the soil can be judge through the physical and chemical parameters. The present study is concentrate on chemical condition of the soils in study region. The chemical parameters are Organic carbon (OC), Phosphorus (P), Potash (K), soil reaction (pH) and Electrical conductivity (EC). Hemavathi watershed is one of the important tributary of river Cauvery. From this study it has been revealed the soil quality in the agriculture land, through these farmers can use suitable quality of fertilizer for particular crops.


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Published By Bangalore University, Bengaluru, Karnataka


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