Geographical analysis

Department of Geography & GIS


Geographical analysis

Year: 2022, Volume: 11, Issue: 2, Pages: 11-15

Original Article

Assessment of Spatial Distribution of Major soil Nutrients in Bhagyanagar Subwatershed, Koppal District, Karnataka using GIS Techniques

Received Date:22 January 2022, Accepted Date:22 December 2022


A study on the assessment of the spatial distribution of soil nutrients was conducted in the Bhagyanagar subwatershed of Koppal district, Karnataka using GIS techniques. A total of 592 surface soil samples (0-20 cm) were collected at 320 m grid interval and analyzed the soil properties. Selective soil properties were mapped viz., Soil Reaction (pH), Electrical Conductivity (EC), Organic Carbon (OC), Available Phosphorus (P2O5), and Available Potassium (K2O). The results of the spatial distribution of soil properties like pH show 23% and 14.34% of the area were strongly alkaline (pH 8.4-9.0), and very strongly alkaline (pH>9.0), respectively. Soils are non-saline (EC <2 dSm-1), OC rated from low (<0.5%) to high (>0.75%), the maximum area was occupied medium (37.5%) and low (22.67%), and 7% was high. Available phosphorus 54.87% of the area was medium (23-57 kg ha-1), and 6.74% was in low (<23 kg ha-1) rated. Similarly, Available potassium 45.44% of the area was medium (145-337 kg ha-1) and 20.33% in high (>337 kg ha-1). Spatial distribution of soil nutrients is most important to know the status of the soil fertility and assists in adjusting the fertilizer schedules to different crops in the Watershed.

Keywords: Spatial Distribution, Soil Nutrients, Organic Carbon, Phosphorus, Potassium


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Published By Bangalore University, Bengaluru, Karnataka


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